The Making of PRC-Indonesia Relations

Interplays between Interpersonal and Institutional Encounters in the Mid-20th Century

This virtual workshop represents a unique opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of cultural engagements between China and Indonesia during the formative decades of modern politics in both countries. It features an esteemed panel of Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) from diverse regions—China, Indonesia, Australia, and Europe—each contributing unique scholarly perspectives to the subject matter. Allowing each presenter to share their ongoing research, this workshop aims to illuminate the intricate balance between interpersonal dynamics and institutional frameworks that have shaped the Sino-Indonesian diplomatic landscape. It also aims to facilitate constructive criticism and feedback to refine these individual works into a unified and coherent edited volume. The rich dialogue and intellectual engagement fostered at the workshop will hopefully deepen the collective understanding of the historical factors that continue to influence PRC-Indonesia relations.

Program & Abstracts

Workshop program and abstracts_3 Nov.pdf

The presentations and discussions are open to the public. Interested EMCRs are particularly welcomed.

To obtain online access, please contact Ratih Kabinawa.