Grounding Global China in the Indo Pacific

Western Australian Perspectives

John Glover Meeting Room, University of Western Australia

Perth, 2 November 2023

This one-day colloquium was a stimulating exchange of ideas and research. It brought together a group of Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) from various academic institutions across Western Australia. Five EMCRs presented their ongoing research, offering fresh perspectives on the increasingly complex interplay between Global China and the Indo-Pacific region.

In the spirit of constructive dialogue and academic advancement, each presenter not only showcased their work but also enjoyed the unique opportunity to receive "feed-forward" from their colleagues in attendance. Moreover, they engaged in the reciprocal process of providing critical yet constructive feedback to other presenters.

This colloquium achieved its aim to cultivate a rich academic milieu. It fostered both interdisciplinary discourse and a deeper understanding of Global China grounded in Western Australian viewpoints.

Program & Abstracts

Grounding Global China WA Event Program and bstracts.pdf

We anticipate a day of rigorous discussion, intellectual enrichment, and collaborative learning. 

The presentations can be delivered in hybrid modes. To obtain online access, please contact Ratih Kabinawa.